Happy 2021!
It’s a new day here at Pavarini Design and we’ve been excited to share the experience of working on a Dressing Room for a very special Client. We were given an inspiration photo of Aerin Lauder’s Dressing Room and were asked to create a similar feeling in her own space.

Aerin Lauder in her Dressing Room
Backgrounds are Key
As you can see, Ms. Lauder’s is a classical, feminine space with floral wallcovering as the backdrop. Since we are working with a space that was once a small bedroom, it made sense to completely build-out the space with custom millwork in order to create the proper wardrobe fittings we had in mind. Given that direction, wall-surface became very limited and the decision was made by Charles to feature full-height doors fully wrapped in wallcovering.

We shopped wallcoverings from many different sources but nothing really compared to the incredibly intricate beauty of the deGournay Portobello Series for this application, and much to our surprise, the brochure for the collection featured a boudoir fitted just how we had imagined this interior to be!
The deGournay Portobello brochure:
What has become a complicated process is figuring the panel sizes to ensure the pattern matches perfectly on the doors yet not have any exposed paper edges that could peel away over time: the doors have to literally be completed wrapped in wallcovering to work. This required intricate communication back and forth between our design team and that of deGournay’s to arrive at a customized design that would endure daily use and not become compromised.
We have just begun construction on the home and also have deGournay’s artisans painting away in their studio on the panels. It will take at least 10 weeks, but once the paint-work is complete, the panels will then be passed-along to the embroidery dept. where many of the leaves, flowers, and birds will be highlighted in woven silk embroidery so they literally stand-off the wall!

The results will be spectacular and we are very excited to share the before/after photographs with you as we get further along.